Thanks for your patience as we get this site up and running again. Websterville Design has done an incredible job and I’m super excited to have this newly renovate site to share with everyone. With a brand new book released this week, a 2nd edition soon to follow, Christmas in a few days, and a new site for me to learn to manage, I will be posting old posts for the remainder of the year. I’ll admit part of this is to free up some time, but also as I approach the end of the year, I can’t think of a better way to close then to post a highlight reel of the work featured in the Stay-at-Home Dad and Karr Street Word Smithy blogs.
Facebook users:
Due to the overwhelming content flooding Facebook, a single post is likely to be buried on any given user’s newsfeed. For those of you who have been missing new posts, you may need to set your feed to receive notifications from the Stay-at-Home Dad page. If you have already liked the stay-at-home dad page on Facebook, then all you need to do is hover your mouse over the like button and click Get Notifications. This will allow you to receive a notification each time I make a post.
Twitter users:
Follow me on Twitter to receive notifications for each new post, plus updates on the King’s Elite series. Join the conversation.