Fables, Fantasy, Faith

Author Archives: J. Elliott Kay

Worthwhile Preparations

Worthwhile Preparations

Wow! What a rush.  This Thursday morning has been the first span of time I have found to be adequate enough to write a quick post.  I have been itching to get one out since Owen Asa Kay had been born.  Andrea and I had been warned about the time vacuum that follows after a… Continue Reading

The Calm Before the Storm

The Calm Before the Storm

Well here we are.  Things are moving right along.  I originally planned on writing a post the day after, but I wanted to write about this particular moment.  I know each experience varies from couple to couple, but so far this morning has been different than what I imagined it would be. It’s like the… Continue Reading

Monitors and the Sovereign God

Monitors and the Sovereign God

This past week kept Andrea and I on our toes.  It is stressful enough to approach the due date alone, but add in a complication to the pregnancy and things turn tense. The little guy’s heart rate was dropping enough to alarm our doctor.  We started making two trips a week to the office to… Continue Reading

Why I Write Everyday

If you were to seek advice online about writing a novel, almost every source will tell you to write every day.  At first it would seem like sound advice, seeing how so many people suggest it.  However, the reasons for writing every day vary.  Although I agree it is great practice, you need to understand… Continue Reading

Rebuttal Lines: An Alternative to Counsel

Life has gotten hectic three weeks out from the due date.  Andrea is still wrapping up her school program, I am trying to finish off work, plus we are at a constant scramble preparing for the little guy.  It seems like this is the case for many couples. Things just crazier and crazier just before… Continue Reading

Surviving a Baby Shower

Surviving a Baby Shower

There are those of us men who are crafty enough to avoid the fabled baby shower. Some of the less experienced men have found themselves further down the chain of natural selection.  Unfortunately, I would fall in the latter of the two as I recently fell victim to not only one but two of these… Continue Reading

Maternity Pictures: The Horror

Maternity Pictures: The Horror

Years ago some thrilled, soon-to-be mother thought it would be wonderful to capture her image as an expecting mom. They must have been charming pictures. Her album has inspired possibly millions of mothers to do the same. I don’t know who she is… but I would I love to wring her neck. What started as… Continue Reading

The Getaway Car

The Getaway Car

You might be planning on inducing, or you could be holding out for the actual due date. I am not a baby expert, but from the stories I have heard I have learned that babies come when they want. So as the dad of this outfit I have taken it upon myself to prepare our… Continue Reading

Creativity: Consumer vs Producer

Creativity: Consumer vs Producer

I was sitting in my favorite spot at my local coffee shop.  It’s a small table for two, catty-cornered next to the barista’s counter.  I like it because everyone passes in front of my table for their drinks. Nobody notices me in my dark corner as they walk up to the counter with their eyes… Continue Reading

Tips for Naming Your Child

Tips for Naming Your Child

When my sister was pregnant with her daughter, she said something that I won’t ever forget.  “The name is the first gift you will give your child.”  I had never thought of my name as a gift.  I have heard a vast range of baby naming experiences.  Some couples have names picked out before they… Continue Reading