Fables, Fantasy, Faith

Category Archives: The Karr Street Wordsmithy

Introducing New Book Covers!

Introducing New Book Covers!

I’m thrilled to finally share with everyone the new covers for my King’s Elite series.

Books 1-3 will be available soon!

But wait! There’s more!  A few years (yes, years) ago I announced I was releasing

book 4. That didn’t really work out as planned; something about moving to

self-publishing, babies, a new house and a global pandemic. However, in the not so

distant future, The King’s Elite and the Ebon Crow will join books 1-3 to conclude

the series.

I can’t wait to share it with everyone!  Thanks to my brilliant sister,

Dorothy Ellen Kay for these beautiful covers. More updates to follow!


Dirt: A Short Story by J. Elliott Kay

Dirt: A Short Story by J. Elliott Kay

“Here.”  Chris held out an amber hand. Fine, powdery dirt sifted between his fingers.   “Rub this over it,” he whispered in my ear.   I fought to hold back my tears. Blood trickled down my shins and stained my white socks.   “Seriously,” Chris said. “It’ll patch your knees right up.”   I swatted… Continue Reading

Introducing The King’s Elite & The Ebon Crow

Introducing The King’s Elite & The Ebon Crow

Just as the title suggests I’d like to introduce the fourth and final book of the King’s Elite series, The Ebon Crow. The Ebon Crow is still in the works. Turns out that wrapping up a four book series is hard, or at least has proven difficult for me. Even though I’m still ironing out… Continue Reading

The Arbiter’s Onus is now an eBook.

The Arbiter’s Onus is now an eBook.

Alright, I lied, but before I get into that I wanted to thank everyone. The weekend promotion for The King’s Elite & The Fargaible Prophecies exceeded my wildest expectations. I told my wife, Andrea, “If I get 300 downloads total I’ll be happy, but if I get 1000 then I’ll be ecstatic. After nearly 2000… Continue Reading

Fiction: The Training Ground of Faith

Fiction: The Training Ground of Faith

For those feeling disheartened with your writing endeavors this post is for you. When asked if he could give any advice to a would-be author, Eugene Peterson simply said, “Do it. We need all of them (writers) we can get.”   Many successful writers advise beginners to never begin writing. Perhaps they’re not so blatant, but they… Continue Reading

Finding Inspiration

Finding Inspiration

Writer’s block- I hate it, and boy I’ve had a fair share of it this past year. It’s paralytic and disheartening. The reason it pops its ugly head up varies, but all agree that nothing cures a bout of writer’s block like a good ole dose of inspiration. Writer’s aren’t the only people in need… Continue Reading

First Person Vs. Third Person: 3 Points to Consider

Stories begin with a single idea.  That’s how it was for me anyway. The King’s Elite started as a simple idea while driving to class one morning. I worked out the details  all day. It kept evolving and changing as I thought of more scenarios to thicken the plot. After a week or so of… Continue Reading

Five Steps to Help Keep Your New Year’s Resolution

Looking back, I don’t think I’ve ever had a successful new year’s resolution. I’ve set health  and self-improvement goals only to have them forgotten. I only remember them the following year when I sit down to write down my new list of resolutions. That being said, I can understand if I’ve already lost your confidence,… Continue Reading

Back in Business

Back in Business

Thanks for your patience as we get this site up and running again.  Websterville Design has done an incredible job and I’m super excited to have this newly renovate site to share with everyone.  With a brand new book released this week, a 2nd edition soon to follow, Christmas in a few days, and a… Continue Reading