Fables, Fantasy, Faith

Category Archives: The Karr Street Wordsmithy

Little Behind

Between fall outings, surprise visits, book signings and making a couple of trips to the cabin, I have neglected my posts.  Hopefully in the near future I will be back into a normal routine again. One exciting excuse I have is that I have been making some finishing touches on my book, The King’s Elite. … Continue Reading

How To Love

In order to keep with the original purpose of the this blog.  I will be starting a new series called, How to love.  Remember that I started this site as a way for me to grow as a writer and to force myself to articulate my thoughts.  God has placed on my heart to evaluate… Continue Reading


Since I have been told by several friends now that I need to make this website more accessible to people I believe I have I am going to have to bite the bullet and make a Twitter account.  So for those of you that have been holding your breath in suspense since my last post…… Continue Reading

A Goat in Sheep’s Clothing.

Boy did I screw up.  I had a miserable drive home tonight.  My stomach churned and rumbled as I replayed the previous 30 minutes of my life at Walmart over and over again. Andrea and I had been studying at a cozy coffee shop, comfortably watching the rain fall and basking in the autumn atmosphere. … Continue Reading

Me, Myself and – I never saw this coming.

Me, Myself and – I never saw this coming.

Over the past year, maybe longer, I have been trying to figure out the next chapter of my life.  In case you are reading this post first, I am talking about career options.  Since I have started this blog, I have already learned quite a bit about how I think and internalize information.  These past… Continue Reading

Writing, It just kind of happened.

You may have read this already, so this is for those of you who haven’t heard my story.  I suppose this is mainly for me too, because I haven’t fully processed what as happened in the past 2 1/2 years. After a hard day’s work, I woke up from a nap one evening to find… Continue Reading

Scraps and Duds

I used to make fun of blogs.  Actually, I still do.  Why anyone would care to read what someone else thinks is beyond me; but then again, why wouldn’t we care?  After all, isn’t that why I decided to write a book? I guess I decided I wanted this blog as a vent for my… Continue Reading