Fables, Fantasy, Faith

Author Archives: J. Elliott Kay

Happy Father’s Day

Based on what I have learned with my twenty-eight years of experience on this world, I have concluded that it is hard being a man.  Therefore it is safe for me to assume that it must be hard being a dad.  This world is continually being modified from its original purpose of glorifying God to… Continue Reading

Identifying Idols

Fear – a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain,etc., whether the  threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid.  (Dictionary.com) Fear isn’t fun. It can serve a purpose, but it is not considered an admirable characteristic. Let me go ahead and make it clear that this post isn’t about defining appropriate fear. I am interested in sinful fear. When I think of everything that could go wrong with our pregnancy I nearly break… Continue Reading

Enjoy Each Season

“Say goodbye to life.”  It’s usually said with a mirthful laugh following behind.  I have heard it a countless amount of times over the past seven months.  There are many other presages varying between comedic and tragic.  “Just get past labor and delivery,” “Potty training is a nightmare,” “Just get use to changing diapers,” “Get… Continue Reading

How to Quit your Job

A few weeks ago I told my principle that I will be quitting work to be a stay-at-home dad. She was excited to see me go- perhaps a little too excited. Turns out, this job quitting business is much easier than anticipated, but God has placed a few challenges on my heart before my final… Continue Reading



Well this was a new one for me.  I understand the concept of preparing the house for life with baby, but I have never heard it called nesting.  I thought I was ahead of the game after spending the past week and a half remodeling our bathroom.  After clearing our house free of all the… Continue Reading

The Husband’s Role for the Family

In the previous post I shared about the season my wife, Andrea, and I are in.  We have decided together that it would be best for me to stay at home with our son for the first two years of his life.  Even though we are having role reversal in the traditional sense, my God… Continue Reading

God’s Role for the Stay-at-Home Dad

God’s Role for the Stay-At-Home Dad As a husband and soon to be father, there are responsibilities I can never neglect.  God has made clear the role of the husband and father.  As my wife and I approached the possibility of having me be a stay-at-home dad, several concerns came into play.  Does staying at… Continue Reading

Worship: A Conditioned Response?

Worship: A Conditioned Response?

Worship, it is a part of our everyday routine whether we like or it or not- whether we are aware of it or not.  I have committed the month of April to playing bass for my church’s new Saturday night service.  Since I’ve started practices and especially after the first service,  I’ve developed a few… Continue Reading

Seasonal Tax Disaster and other STDs

With our first baby on the way and W4 forms coming in the mail, Andrea and I thought it best to get an early start on the tax season.  We have a few major expenses to consider and I am not just talking about diapers either.  Andrea’s 2000 Honda Accord is about to sputter out… Continue Reading

A Strange Look at Strangers

I found some time today to scribble down a thought that had been pestering me early this morning.  This isn’t anything groundbreaking, just my thoughts for the day. Have you ever looked at a stranger then felt sorry for them?  A pity that you normally feel when you are genuinely concerned about someone, and you… Continue Reading